In between camps and activities we are swimming, going to the park, bike riding, cooking, reading, and staying busy. The struggle is real though when it comes to tech versus toys. The girls would watch YouTube, play on their Kindles, or play games on my iPhone all the time if I let them.
CB Insights shared that parents are even now hiring screen counselors to help shift kids off of devices and into physical playing. I wish I could say I simply tell the girls we are going to play with our toys instead of devices and that they would happily go right along. Instead it is a back and forth and me constantly saying we need to take a break from the devices. The struggle is real and the girls can wear me out with their zest for devices. I'm trying to stay tough and decrease our screen time. Once we start playing the girls have a good time and I love seeing their creativity pouring out.

Since the struggle is real not just for me, but for so many of us, here are some links to articles on some tips for keeping up the good fight on less time on devices and more time playing.
Realistic screen time solutions for kids (and their parents)
Feb. 22, 2018 By Vivian Manning-Schaffel
- We are working hard to practice what we preach and the struggle is real for us too!
These 4 strategies will help you and your kids have a much more peaceful summer.
Calah Alexander | May 09, 2019
- We love the tip on no screens in the morning to help set up a more positive day and not overstimulate the kids right away!
10 Ways to Limit Your Child's Screen Time
Amy Morin, LCSW Updated July 05, 2019
- We love her tip on creating “technology free zones!”
Thanks for stopping by! Happy summer and have a great time playing with your kids!