Holly shared that she and Eleanora are doing "8 things before 8th grade" and that Eleanora wanted to watch the sunrise as their first thing. I loved this! Holly and Eleanora had checked the time for the sunrise in Chicago - 6:04 am and got up early. They did a mobile order at Starbucks and after picking up their drinks headed to the lake front. Holly is so smart, she knew many of the Lake Shore Drive lake front accesses are closed due to COVID-19 and headed for Lincoln Park Zoo. As a member, she had parking. Eleanora and she walked to the lakefront and listed to Eleanora's favorite playlist while watching the sun rise over Lake Michigan. Wow, what a great way to kick off "8 things before 8th grade!" I need to work on "3 things before 3rd grade!"

Regardless of what format kids are going back to school in, we think some structure will be good and opportunities to interact with their teachers and classmates will be positive. So, for now, we are taking deep breaths, trying to create some special memories, and are prepping for different scenarios. To all the mommas out there working on back to school, we feel you and are cheering you on!
XOXO, Messy Mommy Meg